HOMME HOUSE Wedding Photographer0088

Homme House Herefordshire

Last summer saw me at Homme for the first time and what a stunning wedding venue it was. Katie & Rob put their trust in me to be their Homme House Wedding Photographer and capture all the laughs, tears and good times.

After a morning being surrounded by a very giggly bridal squad, the ceremony was held at St Bartholomew’s Church which was on the grounds of Homme. A packed church of family and friends looked on as Katie & Rob said their vows and exchanged rings. After the ceremony everyone went back to the stunning gardens of the venue where the sun shone, the food kept coming and the alcohol flowed.

After a fantastic dinner (Katie & Rob really went all out with food being self-proclaimed ‘foodies’) the speeches where an emotional affair with equal parts tears and laughter. With everyone suitably full & with alcohol levels rising, the only thing left for these guys was to hit the dance floor hard. The party went on long in to the night and I’m sure many amazing memories were made….I know I made a few.

Massive thanks go to Katie & Rob for picking me to be their Home House Wedding Photographer. I loved every second of the day and hope I get to come back to this super wedding venue soon. It was also a joy and a pleasure to shoot alongside Ruth Currie Make Up, Hair Comes The Bride Stylist, Issy and bella Floral Design & Agne from Agnes Wedding Films.

Homme House Herefordshire

wedding shoes in a pool of light

wedding dress hung by a window

bride getting ready in the mirror

bridesmaid laughing at bride

bridesmaids having fun

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photographer

wedding at Homme House

wedding at Homme House

wedding at Homme House

wedding at Homme House

wedding at Homme House

wedding at Homme House

wedding at Homme House

wedding at Homme House

Homme House Wedding Photographer

wedding at Homme House

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House wedding photos

Homme House wedding photos

Homme House wedding photos

Homme House wedding photos

Homme House wedding photos

Homme House wedding photos

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photographer

Homme House Wedding Photography

Homme House Wedding Photographer

In The Heart of Herefordshire

For those looking for a great exclusive use wedding venue in Herefordshire, you really need to add Homme to your list of venues. This Grade II listed country retreat is really a thing of beauty. The interior rooms are grand but have a welcoming feel. The grounds that Homme House sits in are truly breathtaking and there’s so much of it to explore. From the Walled Gardens, the rose gardens, the wooded area and the parklands, this venue is truly unique when it comes to the settings and the picturesque views are as far as the eye can see.

From a wedding photographers point of view, there’s so much opportunity to create beautiful romantic pictures within the grounds of Homme House. Even if the weather doesn’t play ball, the inside offers many rooms with large windows allowing for natural light to flood in for pictures. Most of the day I would be capturing natural moments and there really isn’t a part of this venue that doest offer a beautiful backdrop to you and your guests have a fantastic time

Are You Looking For A Wedding Photographer in Herefordshire?

Getting to photograph Rob & Katie’s wedding was a real pleasure and so was exploring the ground of Homme House and I would love to go back there again and create some magic for a future couple. If you’re looking for Homme House Wedding Photography, drop me a message and let’s have a chat about your plans.


  1. Lovely work. Great mix of images all telling the story of the day really well.

  2. Mark Seymour says:

    Beautiful set of images that really captures the day

  3. Great variety of shots with plenty of awesome moments and a great party to finish with it! Love the portraits too!

  4. Loads of great moments captured and so many great expressions. Love the edit too – really great stuff!

  5. Loving your work mate! Your processing is spot on and everyone at this wedding is so good looking, or is it your magic camera?!

  6. Fab images, love your dance floor shots. Rally nice energy and framing!

  7. great images. I love the color and contrast, the color grading is great. I think it suits them very well. Congratulations!

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